Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Untapped Business Opportunities

You are sitting at your desk, or better yet,  outside at lunch just relaxing and breathing for a moment.  Suddenly it hits you.  The idea of a lifetime.  You say “why didn’t I think of that before?”  it’s a business opportunity that has not yet been tapped. Perhaps it’s a new way to segment your market or a new way to market to your niche; it could even be a completely different industry, and you have discovered an innovative way to tap into it. 
What do you do now?
Try this:

□ Write out exactly what you have discovered

□ List all the resources & references that you will need to look at to investigate your new opportunity

□ Determine if you will need investors

□ Create a short plan with dollars and cents so that you can do a high-level evaluation of the plan.

□ Look at your lists and match that to your current available time to determine where this untapped business opportunity will fit into your timeline

It’s a start. You need to understand if the time you will spend here will be worth it in the end. From this decision, you will need to create your business plan and move forward.

Who knows? Through your investigation, you may figure out that this is a brilliant untapped opportunity for someone else – don’t be shy to pass it along.

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