Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Group Coaching

Group coaching is about getting together (in person or by teleconference) with people who have like goals or a common agenda.  Group coaching can help open your eyes to challenges and roadblocks as well as successes and milestones that other have reached.

Your progress in group coaching can quickly and efficiently help you move towards your goals.  Group coaching is a great way to test out the 'coaching waters' and see if a Professional Success Coach and one-on-one sessions can help you create the life you want to live.

Topics covered in Group Coaching are:
  • Business Energizer
  • Create Your Vision 
  • Get Control of My Time 
  • Ready to Change 
  • Solo-preneurs & Start Ups 
  • Get Your Business Out of Neutral


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Networking vs. Relationships

There was a 2 week period in the last month where I was invited to more than 10 different networking events.  Through Facebook, LinkedIn and even from groups that I already belong to, the invitations kept pouring in. 
Now, I know I am not that business is barely a year old.  I started to look at the invitation lists - because on Facebook you can see who else is invited, attending or not...and noticed that there was not really a selection process, more or less, just everyone from someone's list.
I also noticed that many of the same people were invited to all the events, and a few were attending all of them.
That got me to wondering:
  • why would I go to all the events to see all the same people?
  • when do these people actually spend time working ON their business or with clients if they are out at an event everyday?
  • what focus is there on building relationships not just networking?
What do you think?

I think that as an entrepreneur there is great value to being out in the marketplace to be visible and get introduced to people.  I also believe that the value comes from taking time to get to know others, listen to their story, find out what makes them so passionate about their business so that you can understand them and your connection to them.  They may turn into a client - they may not...they may also be able to refer you to others, but it does not stop becomes continued connection through emails, or social media...staying in touch and following up for a personal meeting, even the odd phone call to see how life has been treating them - professionally of course!

What I have learned from all of this is the following:
  1. be selective in the events you attend and do your research ahead of time - who is the host, what is the goal, who is attending
  2. set a goal for yourself describing why you are attending - to meet how many people or which types of business owners
  3. say 'No' to the ones that do not fit with you, your business or your schedule - there is no point in wasting time, and energy

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Live as a Leader

If only leadership was a button on our keyboard or an AP on our phones.
Imagine what we could switch on and do, or re-do?
Unfortunately that is not the case.
Leadership is LIVE ACTION.
Leadership is change on a dime.
Leadership is taking what comes at you and making the best of it for others.
Leadership is straight-shooting, forward-thinking, dynamic, energetic, LIFE!

To live as a leader, you cannot separate the personal and the professional - you will always be only one person.  You will need to live authentically in all you do.  You cannot switch off from one type of individual to another based on the circumstance at the moment.  I am not talking about the many facets of our personality - I am taking about our values at our core.  (if you can switch off your values and actions...then that will be a difficult life). 

No matter what - you are always you.  The way to you act with your kids, speak to your neighbours, engage with your team, work with your colleagues, is all about the authentic you, living as a leader.

To learn more about living as a leader click here.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Do You Mastermind?

Napoleon Hill, author of 'Think and Grow Rich' is the father of the 'mastermind' concept.
The mastermind is quite simple.
The mastermind is what happens when more than one mind work together in harmony, focused on a common goal.  More than one mind can conceive ideas that a single mind may never find.

Joining a mastermind group - online, by teleconference or in person, can provide you and your business with a unique avenue to look into the future and create amazing new plans that are developed because of the focus on your business by more than one mind.

To learn more about the Mastermind Experience or to join a free teleseminar - click here.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Be the One

Are you the One?
Be the One.

You can listen to great speakers and participate in a facilitated leadership discussion in person or by teleconference.

Speakers include Jim Collins, Connie Podesta, Steve Uzzell, Chip Heath, Mark Sanborn and Tony Dungy.

Join the Be the ONE Leadership Development Series and find what you are looking for to move your leadership to the next level.

Click here to complete the information request form.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New People on the Team

Sometimes adding new people to a team is like a tug-of-war.
The team members that are  already in place want to stick to what they know, who they know and what they do.  They have difficulty giving up old systems, routines, plans, ways of working or thinking because they feel that it worked in the past.
The difficulty comes from lack of familiarity - it is important for new people to be properly introduced to a new team so that their qualifications and background are presented to help the group understand why this person was brought on.
Open-mindedness and new ways of working will evolve as the team develops in their relationship.  It will take time.  Be patient and listen to both the team and the new individual - their feedback will tell you everything you need to know about where the future will be.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 is Here!

Happy 2011!
May all your wishes come true.

from the coaches at Solution Linx