Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Way to Go!

The New Year is just around the corner.  You made it this far! Congratulations!
(I hope that you can hear me clapping for you!)

Time to reflect on your year.
  • List 5 things that you did that were really proud of this year.
  • List 3 things you did that you wish you did not.
  • What did you do that surprised you?
  • Name 5 new contacts that made an impression on you. Why did they make an impression?
  • What have you got planned for the New Year?

Not sure - then head over to this link and create your New Year plan today.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

What A Day to Celebrate!

Merry Christmas!
May all the stars shine on your and yours.

from the coaches at Solution Linx

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Get Out There

"Life is not a dress rehearsal."
                                              John C. Maxwell

I love that saying.  Always think of everyday as a stage - you are on it.
What you say.
What you do.
How you act.
Is there for all to see.
Are you ready?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Things

New routines and plans can cause stress on the team and for yourself.  Taking a risk to implement new things - routines, schedules, reports, creates change to the status quo.
This action now becomes about change - improvement and innovation, new ideas and following up on the suggestions/input of others.  Getting people on board with the change is where leadership is required.
Questions to consider when taking a risk:
  • why am I taking this risk?  what will the results be?
  • what is the difference between new and old?
  • who will be impacted?
  • what education and follow up is required to make the new 'thing' stick?
If you have considered this during your plan, you have mitigated some of the risk in introducing new things to your team.

Go ahead - take that risk - you will learn from it no matter what!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Voices of Change

Every year, Giant Impact presents the Chik-fil-A Leadercast.
A fabulous full-day simulcast with world-class speakers on leadership.

The theme this year:  Voices of Change will inspire us to use our voice to tell our story and change the world in which we live and work.

This phenomenal day will leave you uplifted, ready to move in new directions and change the way you think and act.

To participate in a Leadercast event near you visit
If you are in the local Essex County Area - visit Windsor Essex Leadercast 2011

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

When Their Problem is Yours

There comes a time in every leader's life when the problems of the team become their problems.  What to do?  Why does this happen?

As the leader, you have already accepted responsibility for the team and their results (see, I did not say actions).  Your role is to guide them to success through execution of the plan or project.  There will be a time when the team gets stuck and the problem becomes yours.  Have a look at the reasons you now own the problem:
  • was the direction unclear
  • were the steps not cohesive
  • were all the roadblocks anticipated, examined and resolved
  • were all the stakeholders involved
Now - push the problem back to the team.  Unless it is one of funding or lack of people-power, you really can't solve their issue.  You can guide them through it.  That is what you do as the leader.

Here are 2 great books to read that can help you with the struggle of accepting the problems of others:


Friday, December 3, 2010

2011 – Own Your Goals

Focusing your sites on the New Year, you are getting ready to set goals...
...professional and personal ones at that! 

How can you stay on top of them and make sure you
Own Your Goals?

Click here to find out:  100 DAY START UP

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

LinkedIn How?

Getting to know other professionals, join conversations and discussions about your field or even looking for a new job can be done on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a social media network that connects professionals together in a simple format that can open the world around you, helping you see more, learn more and build more relationships.

If you are already on LinkedIn, you may be using it to track your contacts and communicate - there is much more to this network that can create new business and/or clients for your product or service.

Want to learn all about it?  Click Here

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Leader In Me

The Leader in Me is focused on service.  Helping others, through working with them, guiding, coaching, mentoring and challenging them to be the best version of themselves in all they do.

The Leader in Me is courageous.  Taking risks that better the future of my company, my colleagues, my team and myself.

The Leader in Me is authentic.  I am who I am, always - transparent, honest and open-minded.

The Leader in Me is decisive.  Making decisions with the facts at hand, research in my back pocket, advice from those who can help and consideration for all stakeholders.

Who is the Leader in You?

Learn more about developing your Inner-Leader by clicking here:  The Leader In Me

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

212 Degrees - The Extra Degree

212: The Extra Degree"At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water comes steam. And with steam, you can power a train.” Applying just one extra degree of temperature to water means the difference between something that is simply very hot and something that generates enough force to power a large machine.

Straight out of the book, this simple idea built within me I read the book and I started to find possibility in everything. Better yet, I started looking at my everyday routine to see how I could make a difference. I go to the gym – I actually schedule it to make sure I do it without any excuses. At the gym though, I can get lazy and hitting the treadmill can be boring if that is all that it is. By applying the extra degree, I started to turn up my pace a little each time, try the intervals that my trainer showed me in my orientation and it actually worked. I could easily keep a 6 mile/hour pace for 30 – 40 minutes and have even been able to crank it up to 6.5 in incremental steps – it was all that extra degree - the extra degree of push that I needed in my head and on the treadmill. If I continue to apply the extra degree, I will be able to reach my goal of a 10 km run in less than 1 hour. One extra degree can make a difference.

Just imagine what you can do.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Business Life Coaching

Solution Linx Online Coaching offers online business life coaching solutions that will help individuals develop personally, professionally and physically. Solution Linx will encourage and support enrolees who wish to enjoy business life coaching in the endeavour to develop their own life goals and create a personal vision.

Solution Linx consists of a committed group of entrepreneurs, who, at different stages of life, have acquired diverse experience, skills and qualifications in business life coaching, leadership development, fitness and wellness, business and management. The goal of Solution Linx is to link individuals to solutions by providing online business life coaching.

A relationship with Solution Linx is also a business life coaching relationship. Solution Linx works with each individual to connect them to the answers that are already there, within themselves. At Solution Linx, the business life coaching partner will also gladly answer any questions that arise along the way. The business life coaching relationship is a two-way street and when Solution Linx provides a daily email relating to monthly modules, the member role will be to make business life coaching time a priority.

While enrolees take the business life coaching, the Solution Linx role is to prompt each member to be honest and look inside themselves for the answers. When taking the business life coaching members should be prepared to be open-minded when offered creative suggestions and be ready to change if necessary. Solution Linx urges members to respond punctually to email questions and ask questions. Business life coaching is focused on leadership, although members do not necessarily have to be a CEO or bear any title to act like a leader every day of their lives.

Solution Linx suggests that through the business life coaching, members will become aware that, acting as their best self, they can succeed in any venture and inspire and teach others along the way. In order for members to get the most out of their personal business life coaching, pre-work will assist them to focus on achieving the desired results. Solution Linx business life coaching will provide new and different perspectives and help members to reach the future they always hoped for. The ideal business life coaching result is that which is planned and targeted towards personal goals. Business life coaching at its best is an exceptional method to help members move forward and transform their lives into what they want them to be.

Solution Linx offers affordable business life coaching that is easy to use, convenient and helps to build self-accountability. The business life coaching provided by Solution Linx presents many topics that drive professional success. Each topic can be aligned to whichever role the member is currently in and also later as a career grows. Members who are looking to prove themselves to be authentic leaders in their chosen fields will be in the spotlight, have followers and have their lives scrutinized. Solution Linx hastens to add that all members enrolling for the business life coaching online can rest assured that all of their personal information will be secure and confidential.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Corporate Coaching

The goal of Solution Linx Online Coaching is to link individuals to solutions by providing online corporate coaching. Solution Linx consists of a committed group of entrepreneurs, who, at different stages of life, have acquired diverse experience, skills and qualifications in corporate coaching, leadership development, fitness and wellness, business and management. Solution Linx offers online corporate coaching solutions that will help individuals develop personally, professionally and physically. Solution Linx will encourage and support enrolees who wish to participate in corporate coaching in the endeavour to develop their own life goals and create a personal vision.

A relationship with Solution Linx is also a corporate coaching relationship. Solution Linx works closely with individuals to help them connect to the answers that are within themselves. At Solution Linx the corporate coaching partner/coach will gladly answer any questions that arise along the way. The corporate coaching relationship is a two-way street and when Solution Linx provides a daily email relating to monthly modules, the member role will be to make corporate coaching time a priority. Corporate coaching participants will receive five corporate coaching emails and each email sets a task requiring members to read a passage, take an action, and think about or observe something. Each set task will require up to ten minutes per day, but members are able to expand on that and work deeper into the tasks provided.

While enrolees participate in the corporate coaching, the role of Solution Linx role is to prompt each member to be honest and look inside themselves for the answers. Members should be prepared to be open-minded when offered creative suggestions and be ready to change if necessary. Solution Linx urges members to respond punctually to email questions and ask questions if they have them. Corporate coaching focuses on leadership, although members do not necessarily have to be a CEO or bear any title to act like a leader every day of their lives.

Solution Linx suggests that through the corporate coaching experience, members will become aware that, acting as their best self, they can succeed in any venture and inspire and teach others along the way. In order for members to get the most out of their personal corporate coaching, pre-work will assist them to focus on achieving the desired results. The corporate coaching provided by Solution Linx offers new and different perspectives and help members to reach the future they always hoped for. The ideal corporate coaching result is that which is planned and targeted towards personal goals. At its best, corporate coaching is an exceptional way to help members move forward and transform their lives into what they want them to be.

Solution Linx offers affordable online corporate coaching that is convenient, easy to use and helps to build self-accountability. Corporate coaching offered by Solution Linx provides many topics that drive professional success. Each topic can be aligned to whichever role the member is currently in and again later as a career grows. All personal information of members will be held confidential and secure.  For corporate groups with more than 10 members participating, special corporate rates can be applied.  Please contact Solution Linx for details.

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Certified Professional Success Coach

Our website,, is not only a site on which online users can find a certified life coach, but they can use our website to enroll in affordable and convenient online life coaching, either as personal growth coaching, professional success coaching or health and wellness coaching. On our website we have posted links which relate to the role of the certified life coach, and what’s more, the online user who is interested in life coaching can use our resources to allow them to find out which of the coaching programs is best suited to their needs and if they are indeed coachable and will benefit from our online courses given by a certified life coach. The online coaching program is offered on our website for the price of just $29.95, with a one year commitment. This is an affordable price and taking into account the fact that a certified life coach usually charges a lot more than $29.95 a month, this means that Solution Linx can offer affordable life coaching, and the coachee can enjoy life coaching at times which best suit them. The costs of the other coaching packages can be seen when browsing our website.

The role of a certified life coach is to give an individual access to the tools and resources which will allow them to grow as an individual and reach their full potential. Many of us are totally unaware of who we really are, and we try to mimic or copy others, and in so doing, we are not allowing who we really are to come out and we will never reach our full potential. The certified life coach will help a person to find new growth, develop new ideas and stretch to reach new heights, and rather than simply stagnating, life coaching will give each person the chance to see a new beginning and the certified life coach will help them reach their goals, which before they believed was impossible. It must be remembered that during life coaching, the certified life coach will delve into the personal lives of each individual and over time, the trainee and coach will develop a personal relationship and bond and they will work together to reach their goals.

Each of the coaching segments has been divided into each to use monthly modules and each of the modules has been divided into certain topics, and with each module, the certified life coach will set goals that need to be achieved. An email will be received every week from the certified life coach, and this email will contain questions, and the certified life coach will offer insight into tasks and other activities which are necessary to move forward and achieve overall success. If you believe that you are not growing and that you are simply stagnating, and if you are not truly aware of who you are, Solution Linx’s affordable and informative life coaching will break barriers and our certified life coach will help you achieve success in your everyday life, from personal relationships to career success.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Success Coaching

Solution Linx offers online success coaching solutions that will assist individuals to develop personally, professionally and physically. Solution Linx will encourage and support enrolees who wish to participate in success coaching in the endeavour to develop their own life goals and create a personal vision. The goal of Solution Linx is to link individuals to solutions by providing online corporate coaching. Solution Linx is comprised of a dedicated group of entrepreneurs, who, at different stages in their lives, acquired diverse experience and skills that have qualified them to offer success coaching, leadership development, fitness and wellness, business and management.
Solution Linx offers affordable online success coaching that is convenient, easy to use and helps to build self-accountability. Success coaching offered by Solution Linx provides many topics that drive personal, as well as professional success. Members registering for Solution Linx success coaching can rest assured that their personal details and information are confidential and secure.
The success coaching relationship is a two-way street and when Solution Linx provides a daily email relating to monthly modules, the member’s role will be to make success coaching time a priority. Success coaching participants will receive five emails and each email sets a task requiring members to read a passage, take an action, and think about or observe something. Each set task will require up to ten minutes per day, but members are able to expand on that and work deeper into the tasks provided. Solution Linx works closely with individuals to help them to connect to the answers that are within themselves. A relationship with Solution Linx is also a success coaching relationship. At Solution Linx the corporate coaching partner/coach will gladly answer any questions that arise along the way.
When registered members participate in the success coaching, the role of Solution Linx role is to prompt each member to be honest and look inside themselves for the answers. Members should be prepared to be open-minded when offered creative suggestions and be ready to change if necessary. Solution Linx urges members to respond punctually to email questions and ask questions if they have them. Success coaching focuses on leadership, although members do not necessarily have to be a CEO or bear any title to act like a leader every day of their lives.
Solution Linx suggests that through the success coaching experience, members will become aware that, acting as their best self, they can succeed in any venture and inspire and teach others along the way. In order for members to get the most out of their personal success coaching, pre-work will assist them to focus on achieving the desired results. The success coaching provided by Solution Linx offers new and different perspectives and helps members reach the future they always hoped for. The ideal success coaching outcome is that which is planned and targeted towards personal goals. At its best, success coaching is a remarkable way in which to help members move forward and transform their lives into what they want them to be.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Quick Goal Setting Plan

“Only three per cent of adults have written goals, and everyone else works for them.” -Brian Tracy

When I saw this quote on a website, I had to write it down. I have read many books on goals and what helps people grow both personally and professionally and no matter what, it always says you need goals. And according to Brian Tracy, not many people actually have goals.

So how do you set professional success goals for yourself? The formula is always the same:

  • Get an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses

  • Have an idea of where you would like to be at the end of a specific timeframe (this year, next year, in 5 years)

  • Create a plan to get there, what steps will you take, which actions need to be completed, any research or investigation

  • Set yourself milestones on the way to the end result to build in a way to monitor your progress

  • Evaluate the investment in time and resources this will take and do you have the investment available

  • Determine if it is realistic – can you actually do this?

  • Write it down

Planning goals properly can take time, and is essential to your own success that the goal be well-thought out. Once your plan is in place, you can go back and tweak it by inserting dates for each milestone and noting the same on your agenda.
Remember to always spend at least 10-15 minutes per week reviewing your goals and how you are progressing. The goals are your own and only you will know about any changes that you make. In order to keep yourself accountable, you could enlist the help of a colleague, friend or coach -this will help keep you focused forward.
Just like the picture - have a plan to get across the water, with a backpack full of your strengths and abilities, working hard to get across each stone on the journey to success.

Friday, July 9, 2010

To Solve Your Team's Problems or Not?

You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb it himself”.
-- Andrew Carnegie

Every once in a while you are going to come up against performance issues on your team. Someone is not meeting deadlines consistently, work not up to standard, commitment level just doesn’t seem to be there. What do you do? Do you tell them how to solve the issue or ask them if they still want to work there? Hopefully not.

As the leader, you know what the expectations are because you set them, does the individual with the problem understand this? It is time for a face-to-face conversation to help the person solve their problems – remembering that you are the guide through this conversation, not the director or problem-solver. Three questions can guide the conversation:

  1. What can you do to solve this problem? – you are helping them to look for specific details.
  2. What obstacles can you see getting in the way of doing this? – you are helping to prepare them for anything that could derail their efforts.
  3. When can this be completed? – you are helping them to determine how their time frame fits into the larger team picture, getting commitment to you and themselves.
There will be times when you are asked to offer suggestions or ideas by this person. Be sure that when you provide them, the individual understands you are offering suggestions on how you would work with the situation and they need to evaluate if it will work for them.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


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